20 Sep Reverse Logistics in Circular Economy (ESR4)
Reverse Logistics in Circular Economy (ESR4)
Reverse Logistics in Circular Economy
Product-service systems (PSS) are value offerings that combine products and services. PSS models that focus on the delivery of customer-oriented functions or outcomes can contribute to the transition to a circular economy because they break the link between economic growth and resource consumption. Nevertheless, there are many remaining questions about the design and operation of circular PSS supply chains. This PhD project focuses on the function of reverse logistics as a critical enabler of an effective and efficient PSS supply chain. It provides clear strategies for optimising the reverse logistics processes and functions. The results of the PhD will help companies to sustainably grow their business by embedding the logistics and supply chain activities in the principles of the circular economy. Research will be carried out to understand the implications that servitisation and circular economy have on the nature of logistics and supply chain management. Based on this more nuanced understanding a design methodology for reverse logistics in this context will be formulated.

Carl-Christian Kühl
Cranfield University, Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management
+44 7425 626 323

Dr Benny Tjahjono
Senior Lecturer, Cranfield University, Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management
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